About Us
We’ve been in sales, export and import business for 28 years. We specialize in catering to special orders of light/heavy equipment, automobile and truck parts, boats, motorcycles and miscellaneous to individuals, businesses, exporters and importers, body shops, repair shops, etc. We also have been in the auto parts recycling business for 15 years, so we also supply cores of all types from automobiles, trucks, etc. We service countries in Central America such as Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua. We also service in the Caribbean to St. Croix, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, and St. Thomas.
Specializing in catering to the special order needs of businesses and individuals, where in most cases we ship orders within 24 hours.
Riverview Dial A Part Inc.
221 Cactus Rd.
Seffner, FL 33584
Phone | Email: |
813 368- 7211 813-684-0865 813 735-4797 |
riverviewdap@aol.com meli.guendell@gmail.com |
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